Official Government Website

If you have symptoms of a fever or cough, call your medical provider to find out if you should be tested for coronavirus.

Idaho’s response to COVID-19 is now primarily local or regional in nature. The State of Idaho and Governor’s Office will continue to monitor statewide COVID-19 activity and work closely with the seven public health districts across the state to ensure the health and safety of Idahoans. For questions about COVID-19 in your area, please contact your local public health district.

Idaho public health officials are monitoring the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation very closely. Idaho is currently reporting 4,865 confirmed and probable cases .

Officials are working with CDC and other states and are also in regular communication with Idaho public health districts and healthcare providers around the state.

COVID-19 in Idaho

*Data updated by 5:00 p.m. MT, 6/25/2020. State-level data will be updated by 5 p.m. MT Monday through Saturday. Data received after Saturday will be included in the next update. Case data are based on surveillance system records provided by the public health districts. Public health district data will be updated on their agency website at their discretion and might differ from data presented here. Data are preliminary and subject to change.

Cases (Total includes confirmed and probable cases)


(Total includes confirmed and probable cases)

New Cases (Confirmed and Probable) Today (6/25)


New Cases (Confirmed and Probable) Today (6/25)




Click here to view the Tableau Dashboard for COVID-19 in Idaho 

Everyone should take precautions to avoid all respiratory diseases, including staying home if you’re sick, avoiding sick people, and covering your coughs and sneezes with the crook of your elbow or a tissue.

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